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Best Dog Walking Tips

Hey Pet Pals!

Walking a dog is similar to driving a car. When you're driving, your head is on a swivel as you're looking for obstacles and which way to go. You've got your seat belt on for your safety, as well as a few tools in the back, just in case something happens. There are road closures and detours, along with other drivers who probably shouldn't be on the road. Well, when you're walking your dog(s), your head should also be on a swivel and looking ahead for obstacles. Obstacles when walking your dog may look different for every pawrent, depending on their dog. Examples may be, other dogs on leashes, off leash dogs, young children, sprinklers, construction, or even the mail man. Without further ado, here are my best tips for walking your dog.

The first (and best) thing you can do when you notice something or someone that you or your dog isn't comfortable with, is go the other direction! Sometimes, simply crossing the street and walking on the other side will do. There are times, that avoidance just can't be done though... then what?

Helen is leash walking a dog

That's where your just-in-case tools come into play!

There are a variety of tools that we can bring with us on our walks to help get us stay safe. A dog whistle is a great tool for helping get our own dog's attention if they are fixated on someone or something else. An airhorn is a great deterrent for off leash dogs coming our way, or to get attention if you're in trouble.

Kibble or treats are great for training and rewarding your own pet, but can also be tossed at an off leash dog/animal headed your way as a distraction! Gel based pepper spray is a tool we can use if an off-leash dog or person comes too close to us and didn't listen to our warnings. A bite stick is really handy if there happens to be an attack.

Just like on the road, anything can happen during your walk. It's always best to be prepared for whatever may come your way. Take into consideration the location you are choosing to do your walk.

Sometimes, your neighborhood isn't the ideal place and it's worth driving to a near by park or field.

Last, but not least... don't forget your poop bags and enjoy your walk knowing you're as prepared can be!

That's all for now!

Until next time, Helen

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